Inventory software upgrades
If you choose to update to the latest version of IMS software (V3.3) be sure to check which version you currently have before updating. You can find the version number on the opening screen of your program at the top of the screen. It will read Inventory Ver 2.2, 2.0 or 1.0. If you are running an older version than 2.2, please contact [email protected]
for instructions.
Version 3.3
June 15, 2024
Some of the new features in V3.3:
- Password Protection:
- Backup your inventory files.
- Separate Depreciation Report.
- Improved report layouts
- Query Items: Find items easily.
- Use Audio Files to Store Data.
To upgrade, please follow these instructions.
- Make a complete backup of your Inventory folder to avoid any possible data loss. Inventory Solutions can not be responsible for any loss to data you have entered in your program.
- Download the upgrade by selecting the Upgrade to Version 3.3 link below. Save the download to yur inventory folder.
- Open the folder and double click the Update 33.exe icon in your inventory folder
- Unzip Update3.3.exe to your Inventory folder (normally C:\Inventory)
- If prompted, replace /overwrite = yes.
- Using your Explorer locate and run Patch33.EXE (follow the instructions on the screen).
- Patch 33B.exe is automatically started by Patch 33.exe
- Update has been completed and you may start your inventory program.
Upgrade to Version 3.3
To receive information on future updates of our software, please join our mailing list.
Version 2.2
May 15, 2024
Some of the new features in V2.2:
- Export Feature: With the click of a button, transfer your data to an Excel Spreadsheet.
- Replacement Cost field added: If used, this field will be calculated into the insurance report and the Excel Spreadsheet.
- Appraised value field added.
- For ease of entry: After entering an item bounce to a new entry form rather than the inventory list. The category and location fileds will also defaut to the last item entered.
- Complete Backup and restore instructions now included in the User's Manual.
To upgrade, please follow these instructions.
- Make a complete backup of your Inventory folder to avoid any possible data loss. Inventory Solutions can not be responsible for any loss to data you have entered in your program.
- Unzip Update2.2.exe to your Inventory folder (normally C:\Inventory)
- If prompted, replace all.
- Using your Explorer locate and run Patch3.EXE (follow the instructions on the screen).
- According to instructions given in Patch 3 program, start Patch4.EXE
- Update has been completed and you may start your inventory program.
Upgrade to version 2.2
Version 2.0
October 7, 2024
Some of the new features in v2.0:
- Improved image process; Now you can enter an image in two steps.
- Depreciation field added. If you need to depreciate an item for tax or insurance purposes simply enter the pecentage of depreciation and the program incorporates that into the value of the item.
- Two New Reports; Print a summary of values in any category or location.
To upgrade, please follow these instructions.
- Make a complete backup of your Inventory folder to avoid any possible data loss. Inventory Solutions can not be responsible for any loss to data you have entered in your program.
- Download Update.exe to your C:\Inventory folder
- If prompted, replace all.
- Start Patch1.EXE and follow instructions
- According to instructions given in Patch 1 program, start Patch2.EXE
- Update has been completed and Inventory.exe v.2.0: can be started.
Upgrade to version 2.0
To receive information on future updates of our software, please join our mailing list.